MACNLOW’s Basic 40-Hour Dispatch School utilizes a unique and practical combination of lecture, personal assessment, small group exercises, skill-building exercises, and role play to cement learning. Our instructors for this course are all highly-qualified, experienced dispatchers or dispatch supervisors. The cost is $750 per person. (SNC approved: MNA2022-2466; meets Module I requirements).
Please note that due to the lack of available restaurants nearby that can accommodate a one-hour turnaround, lunch will be ordered in each day and a $40 surcharge will be added to each registration to pay for the attendee's lunch on Monday through Thursday. MACNLOW will provide a complimentary lunch on Friday. If you wish to bring your own lunch and use the onsite refrigeration and microwaves, you may opt out of the lunch fee during the registration process. Vending machines with snacks and pop are also available onsite.
Day One: Welcome to Dispatch
Duties and Responsibilities, Dispatcher Roles, Technology, Integrity and Responsibility
Day Two: Professional Interpersonal Communications
DiSC Behavioral Profile, Listening Techniques, Call Control Skills, Stress Handling Techniques
Day 3: Radio Communications
Police/Fire/EMS calls, Emergency v Non-Emergency calls, Interoperability, Incident Command
Day 4: Call Intake and Call Handling
Key Questions - the 6 Ws, Call Sequencing and Clarifying, Over-Rating or Under-Rating the Call, Caller Empathy, Handling Different Types of Calls
Day 5: Skill Building, Client Services, and Telephone Etiquette
Skill building using all techniques and information from the week; serving the public, dispatch, law enforcement, fire and EMS; doing the job well and politely, making all of us look good!