This four-hour course is designed to analyze the exemplary leadership skills of Ernest Shackelton, one of the foremost explorers of the 20th century, who led a group of men on an incredibly dangerous and arduous journey to Antarctica, where their ship was destroyed and they endured nearly two years in sub-zero temperatures before being rescued. This course will identify seven leadership lessons from Shackleton and why these are still relevant today. Learn how to build a resilient team and lead by example, as well as understand why adaptability, good decision-making, communication, and crisis management skills are critical to success in difficult circumstances. We hope this course will give you some extra motivation and ignite the leader within YOU. The cost is $150 per person and the course is registered with MCOLES for 302 funds and SNC approved (MNA2024-4557) for dispatch training funds.
Course Objectives
Define Endurance; discuss the concept and the journey of the sailing vessel “Endurance” to Antarctica
List seven (7) leadership lessons from Ernest Shackleton, explorer
Explore ways to build a resilient team
Learn about adaptability and decision-making
Identify how to lead by example
Examine and explore communication, motivation strategies, crisis management and emotional intelligence
Understand Shackelton’s leadership legacy and relevance and how it still applies today
Incident Debriefing is an essential part of learning, improving and identifying the steps in a given incident. This course will highlight the need for Incident Debriefing and will focus on providing an overall plan for post-incident management. Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
Understand the importance of debriefings
Describe the difference between briefing, debriefing and stress debriefing
Define the components of a debriefing
Utilize conversational techniques for steering debriefings
Describe the four main components of a debriefing
Conduct a formal or informal debriefing
This is an SNC approved course (MNA201905D) that is four hours in length and will run from 1 pm to 5 pm. The cost is $150 per person.
This session of the course will be held in our virtual classroom featuring live instruction and interaction with the instructor and other attendees.
Active shooter incidents are dynamic situations that pose many unique challenges for public safety communications. These situations require an enormous response from law enforcement, fire, EMS, various support entities and communication centers. As with any other type of emergency situation, the telecommunicator plays a vital role in the response to an active shoot incident.
This course will provide case studies about several high-profile active shooter incidents, the issues and challenges posed by an active shooter incident and what role the telecommunicator plays in mitigating the damage. Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
Define an Active Violence Incident (AVI) and its different phases;
Describe the key issues and challenges of an AVI;
Define the roles and responsibilities of the telecommunicators in an AVI situation; and,
Describe how to manage the consequences of an active shooter incident.
The cost is $275 per person and the course is SNC approved (MNA 201808A). more info...
Staffing is one of the biggest issues, if not THE biggest issue, facing 911 centers. This course is designed to provide innovative, cost-effective, and easy-to- implement measures to recruit, hire, and retain quality employees. An emphasis is placed on creating places of employment that value continuing education, mental health, and creating and enhancing positive morale.
The course is designed to help participants:
Identify ways to showcase your call center and connect with the public
Learn methods and places to attract and recruit potential employees
Gain an understanding of how to improve the hiring process to select highly qualified candidates
Outline effective training processes, requirements, and resources
Identify ways to retain quality employees and build employee and center morale
Discuss ways supervisors can assist in retention and morale, for themselves and those they supervise
Discover ways to improve the work-life balance, reduce stress, and improve mental health
The cost is $275 per person and the course is SNC approved for dispatch training funds (MNA2024-5060).
MACNLOW’s Basic 40-Hour Dispatch School utilizes a unique and practical combination of lecture, personal assessment, small group exercises, skill-building exercises, and role play to cement learning. Our instructors for this course are all highly-qualified, experienced dispatchers or dispatch supervisors. The cost is $750 per person. (SNC approved: MNA2022-2466; meets Module I requirements)
Day One: Welcome to Dispatch
Duties and Responsibilities, Dispatcher Roles, Technology, Integrity and Responsibility
Day Two: Professional Interpersonal Communications
DiSC Behavioral Profile, Listening Techniques, Call Control Skills, Stress Handling Techniques
Day 3: Radio Communications
Police/Fire/EMS calls, Emergency v Non-Emergency calls, Interoperability, Incident Command
Day 4: Call Intake and Call Handling
Key Questions - the 6 Ws, Call Sequencing and Clarifying, Over-Rating or Under-Rating the Call, Caller Empathy, Handling Different Types of Calls
Day 5: Skill Building, Client Services, and Telephone Etiquette
Skill building using all techniques and information from the week; serving the public, dispatch, law enforcement, fire and EMS; doing the job well and politely, making all of us look good!
This course is designed to keep experienced telecommunicators abreast of best practices and call handling techniques in difficult suicide calls and volatile domestic violence calls, examine cultural diversity and how bias may affect their job performance, discuss ways in which they can reduce mistakes and liability on the job, and motivate them to improve personal health, performance and teamwork in the dispatch center.
At the conclusion of the course, the telecommunicator will be able to:
Discuss ways in which complacency can cause problems in the 911 profession;
Review call handling techniques in domestic violence calls which can assist in improving officer safety and decreasing liability;
Be familiar with how to isolate emotions and strength identifiers with suicidal callers;
Understand how stereotypes, prejudices and bias can interfere with job performance and interactions with co-workers and the public;
Discuss what increases liability in the dispatch center and what can be done to minimize vulnerability to liability and litigation; and,
Discuss what each employee can do to improve performance, teamwork and morale in the dispatch center.
The cost is $275 per person and the course is SNC approved (MNA2020-1263). more info...
Police Supervision (aka Achieving Supervisory Excellence) is a three-day course designed specifically for first-line supervisors who direct, motivate, lead, appraise and discipline others. The course is open to anyone employed in public safety, court administration, and related professions. As a result of coaching, role play, exercises, self-assessments, group discussions and lecture, participants will leave with new knowledge and skills in:
Setting expectations and holding employees accountable
Analyzing and resolving performance problems
Improving workplace communication
Gaining listening and assertion skills
Coaching others for improved work performance
Learning behaviors and characteristics of quality leaders
The role of motivation in performance
With small group exercises and many examples tailored to the attendee’s profession, this class can be taken by law enforcement, dispatch or anyone in public safety. The course is taught by Sgt. Michael Phillips who recently retired from the East Lansing Police Department with over 27 years of police experience. Mike is a Senior Associate with MACNLOW consistently receiving the highest ratings from course attendees for over fifteen years.
The price is $395 per person and we welcome attendees from any profession.
This course is registered with MCOLES and is eligible for 302 funds as well as SNC approved for dispatch training funds (MNA2022-3166).
Agencies insured by MMRMA should also check with their agent on partial reimbursement for qualifying courses.
This four-hour course is designed for telecommunicators who have or will have Fire/EMS dispatch responsibilities as part of their daily duties. Students will be taught concepts, terminology and challenges associated with Fire/EMS dispatching. The course will discuss work flow, different appartus used, fireground operations, the different responsibilities of responders and the complexities of Fire/EMS dispatching.
At the conclusion of the course, attendees will:
Have an increased awareness of Fire/EMS services
Understand the differences of Fire/EMS dispatch versus Law Enforcement dispatch
Be able to Identify basic fire apparatus and fire equipment
Have an increased understanding of basic fire terminology
Understand the techniques and importance of fire personnel accountability
Have knowledge of the types of fires and water sources
Be able to discuss Incident Command structure
Be able to recognize a Mayday and how dispatch should react
Be able to define EMS services
Know what EMD is
Be able to differentiate between sympathy and empathy
The class will run from 1 pm to 5 pm and the cost is $150 per person. SNC approved: MNA202003A
This course is designed to assist 911 telecommunicators and emergency management personnel in gaining confidence in issuing public alerts and warnings. An emphasis is placed on selecting the right/best tool(s) for issuing alerts, crafting succinct yet informative messages to change the public’s behavior when an emergency occurs, and understanding the socio-behavioral response to such messages. Attendees will gain an understanding of message planning, analyze message examples, and practice message development in class.
Course objectives include:
Explore types of advanced alerts/messages
Identify when to message and what message type to use
Learn best practices for messaging
Understand the socio-behavioral response to warning messages
Discuss message planning
Analyze message examples
Practice message development
Review messaging options, the future of WEA and the FEMA Messaging Dashboard
This is a four-hour class that is SNC approved (MNA2024-4702) and the fee is $150 per person. This offering of the course can be taken in person at Eaton County Central Dispatch in Charlotte, MI.
Emotional Intelligence is commonly defined as the compilation of skills and characteristics that drive leadership performance. This session will help you develop greater emotional intelligence to assist in recognizing your own emotions, those of others in the workplace, and then how to use that information to help guide thinking and behavior, adjust emotions to adapt to environments, and become a more effective leader and further your organizational objectives and personal and organizational success.
Course objectives include:
Define Emotional Intelligence
Understand the basic emotions
Explore Emotions, decision making and the human brain
Discuss Emotional contagion and Emotional Suppression
Identify the four domains of emotional intelligence
Emotional Intelligence strategies for influential leadership
This is a four-hour class that is SNC approved (MNA2024-4920) and the fee is $150 per person. This offering of the course can be taken in person at Eaton County Central Dispatch in Charlotte, MI, or online in our virtual classroom featuring live instruction and interaction with the instructor and other students.
This session of the course is being offered in our virtual classroom featuring live instruction and interaction with the instructor and other attendees OR in person at Eaton County Central Dispatch, 911 Courthouse Drive, Charlotte, MI.
This course is designed to examine the changing landscape of the Active Shooter. Through careful research, statistical information, and case studies this course will offer insight into the changing profile of the active shooter in America. We will delve into the behaviors, characteristics, and warning signs of an active shooter prior to an active shooter event. We will look at multiple case studies to attempt to understand the changing face of the active shooter and the law enforcement response to these acts of violence.
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
Explore the resources and studies used for this course.
Learn the history of the Active Shooter.
Compare Active Shooters: Past to Present.
Learn Active Shooter statistics.
Explore the evolution of the response to an Active Shooter.
Define the early profiles of an Active Shooter.
List the Five Phases of the Active Shooter.
Analyze different Case Studies of Active Shooter events.
Understand the cascading impact of mass shootings.
Discuss the Changing Face of the Active Shooter.
The cost is $275 per person and the course is SNC approved (MNA2023-3875). more info...
This four-hour course is designed to provide information regarding the proliferation of swatting and the impact on dispatch, law enforcement and our community as a whole. It will give an overview of the history of SWAT, the origins of Swatting, as well as how and by whom Swatting is executed. With a review of some case studies and the FBI Swatting Database, the course will examine best practices for dispatch centers to respond to these types of calls to provide a proper response to the communities and agencies we serve. Upon completion of the course, attendees will be able to:
Define Swatting and discuss what is meant by the term
Learn about the history of SWAT
Explore the origins of Swatting
List the types and techniques of executing Swatting calls
Discuss the landscape of laws in response to Swatting calls
Understand what the FBI Swatting Database is and its uses
Review Swatting Case Studies
Identify best practices for dispatch response to Swatting
This session of "Swatting" is being offered in our virtual classroom featuring live instruction and interaction or in person at Eaton County Central Dispatch, 911 Courthouse Drive, Charlotte, Michigan.
The cost is $150 per person; SNC Approved (MNA 2024-4316). The class will run from 8 am to noon.
The opioid epidemic continues to rage in the United States. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that opioid-involved overdose deaths rose from 21,088 in 2010 to 47,600 in 2017 and remained steady in 2018 with 46,802 deaths and then a significant increase in 2019 to 49,860 overdose deaths. Following the COVID pandemic in 2020, the CDC reports opioid-involved overdose deaths rose to 81,806 in 2022!
Overdose calls can happen at any time in 911 operations, and this course enables the dispatcher to learn more about the history of opioids, substance abuse and addiction, and how the opioid epidemic affects law enforcement, EMS and the dispatcher.
This is a half day (four hour) course that will run from 1 pm to 5 pm; the cost is $150 per person and the course is SNC approved (MNA 2021-1587). This session can be taken in our virtual classroom or in person at Eaton County Central Dispatch, 911 Courthouse Drive, Charlotte, Michigan. more info...
This session of the course can be taken in our virtual classroom or in person at Eaton County Central Dispatch, 911 Courthouse Drive, Charlotte, Michigan.
This course will transform your idea of curiosity! We will demonstrate how curiosity keeps you engaged on the job, prove how it fosters both professional and personal growth and highlight how curiosity plays a role in the dispatch environment. Examine the importance of innovative thinking, discuss how to develop and practice curiosity, review exercises to boost your curiosity and explore the benefits of having a “curious” mind...don't miss this opportunity to ignite your personal and professional growth!
The cost is $275 per person and the course is SNC approved (MNA2024-5079).
Course Objectives
Define Curiosity: What it is, some historical context and types
Understand how curiosity shows up in the dispatch environment
Analyze the relationship between curiosity and knowledge and understand how curiosity is the engine of growth
Discuss some traits of curious and non-curious people
Identify the Five Dimensions of Curiosity and the Four Types of Curious People within that framework
List the Big Five Benefits of Curiosity
Learn how to find more meaning at work and other benefits of curiosity in the workplace, including how those relate to dispatch
Explore how to develop your curiosity and how that translates to professional and personal growth
This session of the course can be taken in person at Eaton County Central Dispatch or in our virtual classroom, featuring live instruction and interaction with the instructor and other attendees.
This course is designed to provide information on grit and the power and success of “gritty” people within the dispatch environment. We will define and explore critical thinking and discuss critical thinking skills, problem solving, decision-making skills and attitude as it relates to work inside the dispatch center. The course will examine best practices for dispatchers to follow when faced with difficult situations and people that require critical thinking skills, problem solving practices, common sense, emotional intelligence and the importance of a positive attitude.
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
Define Grit
Learn how Grit relates to dispatch
Explore your “Grit” factor with the Grit Quiz
Define critical thinking
List five definable critical thinking skills
Identify benefits of critical thinking skills and ways to improve them
Compare “Automatic” and “Manual” thinking
Discuss how to stay positive on the dispatch floor and improve your decision-making process
Learn how common sense and emotional intelligence can help you do the job well
Define implicit bias
Explore common cognitive biases
Identify ways to deal with difficult people
The cost is $275 per person and the course is SNC approved (MNA2023-3874). more info...
MACNLOW’s Advanced 40-Hour Dispatch School enables attendees to meet all SNC Module II requirements (MNA2022-2926) by attending all five days for $750 or any one-day course for $275. Our team utilizes a unique & practical combination of lecture, personal assessments, small group exercises, skill building exercises, and role play to cement learning in the following areas.
This course focuses on helping telecommunicators learn innovative ways to capture information, frame effective questions, understand the psychological dynamics of domestic violence, and methods to keep their officers safe. SNC approved with Module II(a) endorsement; MNA2022-2927
Attendees will assess their listening skills, learn to apply the skills and "thinking patterns" to help handle a suicide call successfully, assess psychological considerations, keep the caller talking, ask critical questions, and gain call handling methods proven effective for others. SNC approved with Module II (b) endorsement; MNA2022-2928
Utilizing 911 cases which pinpoint various types of liability, this course analyzes liability issues, examines common elements of liability, looks at why people sue, examines the typical process of a lawsuit, develops measures for reducing and/or preventing liability, demonstrates courtroom testimony procedures and pitfalls, and considers “best practices” for dispatchers and dispatch supervisors. SNC approved with Module II (c) endorsement; MNA2022-2929
Attendees will complete a Stress Response Profile to analyze their individual stress levels with an emphasis on the challenges of a dispatching career, both in terms of tasks and toxic people, utilize the Thought Reframing and FIT/S/ACE approaches to handling stress, and examine individual approaches and develop skills for minimizing,
preventing and heading off stress. SNC approved with Module II (d) endorsement; MNA 2022-2930
A comprehensive overview to define “terrorism;” identify the similarities and differences between “Domestic” and “International” terrorism; identify common misconceptions related to terrorists; discuss potential terrorist targets; identify and define eight (8) potential terrorist threats/acts; identify the role of Fusion Centers in suspicious incident reporting; define NIMS and its purpose; identify possible resources and tactics used to mitigate loss of life following a large scale terrorist incident; and more! SNC approved with Module II (e) endorsement; MNA2022-2931
The cost for the full week course is $750 per person. Individual one-day classes may be taken at a cost of $275 per day; to register for a one-day course, please return to the course calendar and click on the individual course or contact our office at 517-410-0825 or for assistance.
This session of the course will be held in our virtual classroom featuring live instruction and interaction with the instructor and other attendees.
Active shooter incidents are dynamic situations that pose many unique challenges for public safety communications. These situations require an enormous response from law enforcement, fire, EMS, various support entities and communication centers. As with any other type of emergency situation, the telecommunicator plays a vital role in the response to an active shoot incident.
This course will provide case studies about several high-profile active shooter incidents, the issues and challenges posed by an active shooter incident and what role the telecommunicator plays in mitigating the damage. Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
Define an Active Violence Incident (AVI) and its different phases;
Describe the key issues and challenges of an AVI;
Define the roles and responsibilities of the telecommunicators in an AVI situation; and,
Describe how to manage the consequences of an active shooter incident.
The cost is $275 per person and the course is SNC approved (MNA 201808A). more info...
This course is designed to provide an overview of the fundamentals of what makes a good leader from a public safety perspective, but this is NOT a theory course. Your time in the classroom will be spent on instruction, interactive discussions, and practical application of:
Understanding personal and positional power
Planning for success, for yourself and those you supervise
Setting expectations and holding employees accountable
Analyzing and resolving performance problems
Values, traits, and characteristics that help leaders earn the respect, confidence and cooperation of those they serve
Learning coaching skills to resolve performance problems
Practicing coaching skills in the classroom using realistic scenarios encountered in public safety
With small group exercises and many examples tailored to the attendee’s profession, this class can be taken by law enforcement, dispatch, fire, courts, corrections, animal control or anyone in public safety. The cost is $275 per person and the course is registered with MCOLES for 302 funds and is approved by the SNC for dispatch training funds (MNA2023-4094). This session can be taken in person at Eaton County Central Dispatch, 911 Courthouse Drive, Charlotte, Michigan, or online in our virtual classroom featuring simultaneous live instruction and interaction with the instructor and those attending in person.
This four-hour course highlights the changes in the response to active shooters through the years. We will examine the historical responses to several high-profile active violence events and explore the changing thinking about the response to modern day shootings. An emphasis is placed on the role that dispatch plays in this ever-changing landscape and how multi-discipline training can benefit everyone involved within the framework of the new response tactics.
This is a half day (four hour) course that will run from 1 pm to 5 pm; the cost is $150 per person and the course is SNC approved (MNA 2024-5061). more info...